Giving Voices
If you want to hear real, relatable stories about the challenges & joys, dilemmas & successes behind and inherent in philanthropy, this podcast is for you. No jargon, no frills – just honest conversations with and about people who are working to make a difference in the world.
Join Philanthropy Advisor Stefanie Borsari and the Giving Voices listening community for geek-out sessions with philanthropists, donors, board members of private foundations, and their advisors.
And if you have a story to share, reach out at hello@givingvoicespodcast.com. I'd love to talk with you!
Giving Voices
Agog About Governance: Mary Phillips, Founder & Senior Advisor of GMA Foundations
What do stories about a rug, a cat, and the minister of a Congregational church have in common, and what do they have to do with philanthropy? You’ll understand once you hear Mary Phillips, founder and senior advisor of GMA Foundations, one of the country’s first philanthropic advisory firms, help explain myriad governance options for private foundations. If you’re contemplating starting a private foundation, this is a MUST LISTEN as you move forward!
Bonus: Mary spotlights one of her favorite professional stories – that being her early experience with a funder who desired to improve a neighborhood in Roxbury/North Dorchester, MA. The Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, which continues to be an active and thriving grassroots organization, grew out of an important encounter between that funder and residents of the neighborhood the funder wished support. For a deeper understanding of DSNI, check out their website, the book Streets of Hope: The Fall and Rise of an Urban Neighborhood and see if you can track down the documentaries Holding Ground: The Rebirth of Dudley Street (1996) and its sequel, Gaining Ground (2013).
Do you have a story to share? Reach out at hello@givingvoicespodcast.com. I'd love to talk with you!
Stefanie Borsari, Linked In
Artwork by Justin Novick
Special Thanks to Daya Ottley