Giving Voices

Everyone is a Philanthropist: Sara Lomelin, CEO of Philanthropy Together

Season 1 Episode 10

Giving Circles are not cute,” is just one of several strong points that Sara Lomelin, CEO of Philanthropy Together makes today. Sara shares her journey from being a Catholic schoolgirl in Mexico to now leading and advocating for the global movement of collective giving, a movement “by the people, for the people,” that – in the last 6 years – has moved $3.1 billion through 4,000 giving circles. You’re wrong if you think that you can’t be a philanthropist, and Sara will explain just why and how that is in this powerful episode.

 Bonus: Several resources were mentioned in today’s episode:

And if you’re inspired to join and help advance the collective giving movement, check out these free resources and coaching provided by Philanthropy Together.  

Do you have a story to share? Reach out at I'd love to talk with you!

Stefanie Borsari, Linked In

Artwork by Justin Novick
Special Thanks to Daya Ottley

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