Giving Voices
If you want to hear real, relatable stories about the challenges & joys, dilemmas & successes behind and inherent in philanthropy, this podcast is for you. No jargon, no frills – just honest conversations with and about people who are working to make a difference in the world.
Join Philanthropy Advisor Stefanie Borsari and the Giving Voices listening community for geek-out sessions with philanthropists, donors, board members of private foundations, and their advisors.
And if you have a story to share, reach out at hello@givingvoicespodcast.com. I'd love to talk with you!
Giving Voices
Season 2 Opener: Musings
Welcome Back, Giving Voices Community!
In the Season 2 opener, I'm musing on the history of the word "philanthropy," attempts to break down that concept by applying the 5 Ts - globally understood to be Time, Talent, Treasure, Ties and Testimony - and on the importance of storytelling as a method for building understanding about philanthropy and the social sector.
Bonus: For more about these topics, check out these resources referenced throughout the episode.
- The University of Kent Special Collections & Archives blog post, "The History of Philanthropy"
- The Milken Institute's blog post, "Considering Your Philanthropy Holistically"
- Philanthropy's New Voice: Building Trust with Deeper Stories and Clear Language, a report co-produced by Council on Foundations and Center for Public Interest Communications
Do you have a story to share? Reach out at hello@givingvoicespodcast.com. I'd love to talk with you!
Stefanie Borsari, Linked In
Artwork by Justin Novick
Special Thanks to Daya Ottley