Giving Voices

Meaningful Moments: Deborah Goldstein, Founder and Principal of Enlightened Philanthropy

Season 2 Episode 4

Deborah Goldstein and I cover the map today, going deep into a discussion about 'meaningful moments,' what is meant by the term 'philanthropic journey,' and how the word 'burden' is sometimes applied to the concept of philanthropy <-- what could possibly be burdensome about having such abundance that you can give money away?!

As Founder and Principal of Enlightened Philanthropy and the creator and head counselor for Philanthropy Camp for Women, Deborah shares how her personal experience informs her philosophy and approach to working with both emerging and seasoned donors and explains how she helps people find the joy, meaning, and power in identifying as a philanthropist.

BonusDeborah referenced two publications, including:

Also, check out Wikipedia for more information about tzedakah boxes and the concept of tzedakah itself.

Do you have a story to share? Reach out at I'd love to talk with you!

Stefanie Borsari, Linked In

Artwork by Justin Novick
Special Thanks to Daya Ottley

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